Magi-Nation Lore

"Mission Acquired"
Mission of a Dream Warrior
By Michael Welling

Tuku watched the slow rebuilding of Vash Naroom. The once-beautiful tree village was now a war-torn nightmare of smashed timbers, burned leaves and shriveled bracket fungi. The quaint bridges and stairways leading into the branches were battered and unusable. But at least there was now hope in the air. The Naroomi were industriously sifting through the wreckage, beginning the long process of rebirth for this most ancient of cities.

His wanderings had taken him far into the wilderness, and he had gotten word of the crisis in Vash Naroom too late to arrive in time for the final battle. Now, most of the Naroomi resistance, as well as the other brave warriors who had participated in the great battle, were on their way southward, giving chase to the Dark Twins. He too, would be on his way to join the chase, but there was a little something he needed to retrieve first….

Sensing that the real battle was still far from over, Tuku jogged off into the woods at a rapid pace. The trees flew by swiftly as he ran, the taint of the void energies slowly leaching from their leaves and limbs, revealing fresh healthy growth beneath. Panting heavily, Tuku finally reached his destination, his secret grove. Prodding the rocky wall, he finally found the illusion-shrouded entrance. Tuku bolted into the grove and gathered his belongings. The quietness of the sacred grove was no longer as soothing to him as it once had been.

Suddenly, Tuku glanced around in a panic. "Hapu?! Hapu, where are you?!" Silence. The eerie silence of the grove sent a sickening chill into Tuku’s stomach. Wiping his face with his hands, Tuku gulped as he repeated himself.

"Hapu?" Still silent. Tuku grew even more anxious. The sickening chill had turned into a gut wrenching pain as he continued to look for his companion.

"HA-PU!!!" yelled a little voice. Tuku whirled around and a wash of relief rushed over him. There was Hapu, hanging by his tail from the overhanging vines.

"Don’t scare me like that Hapu!" commanded a disturbed Tuku. "We have to get out of here. The Twins have fled Vash Naroom, and are heading south toward the Teeth. We have to assist our friends in tracking them down!

That was all Hapu needed to hear. Hapu’s tail uncoiled as he landed on the mossy floor of the grove. Galloping quickly across the open interior of the glade, he launched himself onto Tuku’s shoulder.

Tuku turned to run his hands along the smooth interior walls of the glade, searching for find exact crevice in which he had left his pack. Still panting from his run, he smoothly pulled the bag over to him and cradled it for a minute, seeking to recover some of his strength. He flipped the buckle on the bag and opened it. With a grin on his face, Tuku reached to the bottom where he found a small pouch, right where he thought it would be. His grin turned into a smile as he reached into the pouch and pulled out a huge golden ring.

Once again in possession of his favorite ring, Tuku took the time to examine it. It was a pretty ring, with its golden traceries and the huge gem of amber-colored animite nestled within the chased silver setting. Closing his eyes, Tuku focused his energy into the ring. The amber stone shone beautifully, its golden light ricocheting throughout the interior of the shady glade. Basking in the golden light, he thought, There is only one thing that could possibly be more beautiful than Amber… a rhetorical question that he already knew the answer to.

He felt the mighty shadow towering over him from behind even before it cut off the slanting sunbeams from overhead. A silence fell across the forest, as something new entered the glade…something BIG.

"HUTTAH!" yelled Tuku, his hands stretched out above him as he stood atop his colussus. Tuku took a deep breath. He looked down on the forest floor and saw Hapu there, eagerly bouncing up and down, acting exactly like the child’s toy it once had been. Tuku sent a silent command and the colussus bent down and picked up the little Eliwan artifact. Gently, the giant construct lifted its hand to the level of its head. Hapu leaped to his customary place on Tuku’s shoulder and cooed contentedly.

Reaching again into his bag, Tuku pulled out a golden cube. Enough is enough, he thought as his fingers ran over the delicate patterns of the shining puzzlebox. I cannot remain neutral any longer. In this war against darkness we must each bring what weapons we have to bear, even the most ancient of secrets. I hold the ability to help someone with the contents of this Ancient Puzzlebox, and it is time I delivered it into the hands of someone knowledgeable and deserving!

With a focused mindset, Tuku took the box and placed it under his left arm. "I know who could really use this…" said Tuku in a whisper. The colussus began to move, clearing the high walls of the glade with a single step. "ONWARD!" roared Tuku, his first war cry in more than a thousand years, and the journey was begun.