Magi-Nation Duel card lists

By set

Cards by set

  • Base Set (Unlimited)

    This set introduced the following regions:

    Arderial, Cald, Naroom, Orothe, Underneath, Universal

    Cards: 190

    Released: February 2001

  • Awakening

    This set introduced the following region:


    Cards: 142

    Released: May 2001

  • Dream's End

    This set introduced the following regions:

    Kybar's Teeth, Weave

    Cards: 185

    Released: November 2001

  • Nightmare's Dawn

    This set introduced the following regions:

    Bograth, Paradwyn

    Cards: 300

    Released: April 2002

  • Voice of the Storms

    This set introduced the following regions:

    D'Resh, Nar

    Cards: 300

    Released: November 2002

  • Traitor's Reach

    This set did not introduce any new regions

    Traitor's Reach was designed but never printed...until now. Stay tuned for release details!

    Cards: 141

    Released: Soon!

  • Promo/ Limited

    Promo cards are not part of a core set

    Promo cards were given out via tournaments or the animite shop

    Cards: 68 (and growing)

    Released: Continuous